Some of you have asked for me to tell you more of what I’ve learned about Indigo children. It is a fascinating subject. Supposedly, there has been a large wave of these children since 1970. Some say they are here to prepare us for the coming new world—and to lead us there. They are called Indigos because of the royal blue aura that surrounds them that psychics and others claim to see. Kirlian photography can also capture an aura, however, that is subject to controversy. (I’d like to give that a try, but it involves electrodes and voltage, and I don’t do lightning or electricity!). There appear to be a huge number of characteristics or descriptors of Indigos. The ones I post here are the most common. Indigo children are spiritual by nature, highly sensitive, and often recall being in Heaven before they were conceived or born. Some can recall details of choosing their parents or have vivid memories of a past life when there is no way the child could have obtained such knowledge. In general, they have a “sense of knowing” and special perceptions. They are able to access “data” that other’s cannot. Adjectives also used to describe them are: empathetic, clairvoyant, intuitive, enlightened, willful, rebellious. These children have an expanded awareness and a sense of knowing there is a greater power. They are healers and frequently possess talents in the arts. They have come to this world to lead, and therefore you often hear they have a warrior spirit. Indigos know they are different, and the parents are aware of that when the child is very young. Commonly, they have high IQs.
The debate regarding the truth about what an Indigo child is continues. They are often slapped with other labels such as autistic, ADD, ADHD, and on and on.
In THE DESTINY CODE, the eight-year-old character, Tera Jordan, is a gifted artist and poet. She also has another special gift. She sees red auras around the evil ones. She can identify them, and that puts her life in danger. We drew on Akiane Kramarik to create Tera. Devin Olsen is labled, autistic savant. He has a photographic memory and has memorized the code to a quantum computer. He is also at risk. There are a lot of videos on YouTube about Akiane. Her life is an amazing story.
And here is a link to a documentary on Indigo Children
Enjoy! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions.