Why is it we don’t see our own writing errors as easily as we pick up on mistakes in the others’ writings? I mean silly, stupid stuff. Obvious mistakes! I am working on a novel of suspense, and the other day was reading a part with my critique group, and I didn’t even hear, much less catch, my goof. Thank heaven for critique groups! Here is what I wrote. “Guilty—by reason of insanity.” Duh! A member of the group asked me if I meant not guilty. Oh, heck yes! It should have been, “Not guilty—by reason of insanity.” What a jackass! I suppose my brain decided to take a stroll. Maybe it even left town.
difi says
September 15, 2017 at 3:27 pmThat group won’t let you get away with anything and you were great to let us laugh at you!
Lynn Sholes says
September 23, 2017 at 11:17 amNo, they don’t let me get away with a thing! That’s good. We do laugh a lot.